This section is for snippets of code and mini-projects which I hope will be helpful to others. Each code page will have comments enabled and they should be used for placing any questions/bugs/feature requests to keep everything together.




The FoxyComboBox extends the ComboBox in Flex 2 to provide Firefox-like option selection as you type. Rather than just selecting options by their first letter this lets you use words or part words to quickly jump to an option, handy for long lists (such as country names).


FlexUnit Custom Test Runner

A cleaner, in my opinion, test runner for FlexUnit which presents the results in a manner that makes it easier to see the results of the tests and get information on the reasons for test failures & errors



Image Cropper UI, using Prototype &

A JavaScript based image cropper UI with the same styling and feature set as the image cropping tools found in popular image editing software packages such as Photoshop.


This is a simple utility created to assist with debugging JavaScript development cross-browser by adding a console for displaying messages raised from within JavaScript.



MXML language file

A MXML language file for the GeSHi Syntax Highlighter


PHPUnit2 HTML Runner

A HTML GUI for running tests with the PHPUnit2 unit testing framework. Provides a nice graphical interface for displaying the results of the tests along with other features.

Mach II

Application Constants Plugin

Set a different set of application constants for each server running your Mach-ii application. Ported version of Application Contants for Mach-II CF by Martin Laine


CFStatShot, cfstat desktop widget This widget allows you to view the cfstat data from multiple remote servers on your desktop, a simple but effective monitoring tool.