The latest version (1.5) of the Firefox browser was launched today.

However one thing about the launch did puzzle me.

When going to download Firefox you are presented with the following choices :
Screenshot of download links from showing 1.0.7 first and 1.5 second

I had to do a double take this morning as it is a bit odd that the first link is to the 1.0.7 release and the second for 1.5. Considering the identical styling on the links I am a little confused to this choice, I understand providing downloads for the 1.0.x series, but why that should receive precedence over the 1.5 release, right below a huge “Firefox 1.5” title, I just don’t get.

Apart from that everything seems good with the latest version, however the only places that I have read about the feature list state that there is nothing majorly new in 1.5 except some tweaks to the tabs, interface and speed. They have all overlooked the addition of a very robust implementation for quite a lot of the SVG specification, which is something I have been playing with quite a lot recently. See the full list of current support for SVG in Firefox 1.5.