More Prototype Documentation

As I have mentioned before recently I have been working quite a bit with some JavaScript frameworks - most heavily with the Prototype JavaScript framework. The main drawback to these frameworks (at the moment) is the scant amount of documentation for them.

Make Me Feel Welcome

Ahhh the good old days of the internet. You know how sometimes a smell or a sound reminds you of something from your past, be it good or bad. Well the digital equivalent of that (for me at least) is typified in a web page I just came across.

Firefox 1.5, are you sure?

The latest version (1.5) of the Firefox browser was launched today.

Prototype JavaScript Framework Documentation

Recently I have been doing quite a lot of development in JavaScript and I have taken a look at a couple of JavaScript frameworks mainly focusing onthe Dojo toolkit and Prototype. Both of these have their strengths and weaknesses, I must point out one of the biggest strengths of Dojo is, in my opinion, the Dojo.require() method which allows dynamic inclusion of those files/packages required for a given script.

Splitting the Mach-II Config File

Since starting to use Mach-II I have asked (and seen many others ask) the question; “Can I split the mach-ii.xml config file to make it more manageable.”

Jake2 – Java Port of Quake 2

This is genius, Jake2 is a Java port of the id software classic Quake 2. It can be launched direct from the website by clicking the “play now” button and will automatically download the Quake 2 demo data files to run in the demo mode. Even better if you have the Quake 2 CD kicking around you can use the files run the full game.

Debugging JavaScript With Firefox Console

I’ve just spent the last couple of evenings playing around with SVG in the latest beta release of Firefox, as I have SVG in mind for a potential little side project.

Sony Should Be Ashamed

I’ve been following the emerging stories about the Sony “rootkit” with quite a bit of interest. I’m not going to gather all the links together in this post as the Wired post Real Story of the Rogue Rootkit does a good job of that and explaining the issue overall.

Annoying Music Websites

I’ve had a couple of newsletter emails from System of a Down which are screaming at me (read all caps) about how I can listen to their new album Hypnotize exclusively on the websites for MTV & MTV2 from today.

Update : Application Constants Mach-II PHP Plugin

Updated Application Constants Mach-II PHP Plugin which addresses the following issues: