Has Someone Broken/Hacked Google?

For the past 10 minutes or so every search I have performed on Google (.co.uk) has brought up the “This site may harm your computer” warning page on almost every result (except for Google owned sites, like YouTube). Just take a look at this search for the term “Something”:

Quick Link: irb & script/console tips

Just came across these very handy tips for improving irb or script/console over at Giant Robots Smashing Into Other Giant Robots, it’s well worth a quick look.

CSS Management on Large Sites

At one of my previous jobs we had a massive amount of CSS to handle; we had the global styles, then section/page specific styles and on top of both of those we had different styles for various versions of the application (as the same application and content ran many sites).

Pleasefixtheiphone.com – Great Site and Great Design

Pleasefixtheiphone.com screenshot
I just came across this great site via Techcrunch called “Please fix the iPhone”. It’s basically a list of issues which people are having with the iPhone and allows you to vote on ones you’d like to have fixed.

Quick Link:Where Does Money Come From?

Dave Gorman asked the question “Where does money come from?” earlier today, obviously the economy is on a lot of peoples minds at the moment (and not least my own – more on that another time). It was a simple question and there was a couple of really great links in the comments: Money as Debt video on Google Video, which is also available from moneyasdebt.net and a quick summation of the “Money as Debt” video.

Coding Clarity Over Cleverness

I was asked a question a while back over IM. The question and my subsequent answer made me think about my coding style, decision making process and evolution over the years and I decided that I would share those thoughts with you (aren’t you lucky).

Quick Tip: Automatic checking for forgotten attachments in Thunderbird

It seems that recently I’ve been sending quite a few emails that require me to attach things to them. I’ve always had a bit of a problem, which from my experience of receiving emails also seems to be quite common, of writing the email first and then forgetting to add the attachment.

Courtesy Car For Your Internet

I’ve just read a lovely rant by Dave Gorman about BT and his internet service being down. It’s the kind of post I’m trying not to write about my (ongoing) trials and tribulations of trying to get an iPhone 3G and some kind of semi-decent customer service during the process. But I digress, the reason I’m writing about this is that this point stood out for me:

Why I Won’t Be Paying For (M)any iPhone Apps (Just Yet)

My iPhone 3G arrived yesterday and due to another issue I’ve had with getting the iPhone (in an ever growing list, which is another story) my O2 SIM card wasn’t activated/connected. So I had a phone with no phone functionality.

It’s The Little Things

I’ve just bought something from Amazon and something has happened that has happened to me every time I’ve used Amazon for the past few months. I’m not sure if it’s something they introduced recently or whether I’ve just not noticed it before but it’s bugged me one too many times so I’m going to moan about discuss it here.